What's new about the new design:
No frames! Yippee!
I replaced the lengthy, catch-all home page with the following:
current page (spotlights Marla's projects as they arise)
news page (announces upcoming events in Marla's career)
site updates page (informs visitors of additions and/or changes to site)
I implemented CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) formatting to streamline code and help pages
load more quickly. (If you have an older browser that doesn't support CSS, I highly recommend
that you download the latest version of
Internet Explorer or
Netscape Navigator .
It's free, and it'll make your life a lot easier.)
I added small amounts of JavaScript to most pages.
(Although at this time the JavaScript is not crucial to the operation of the pages,
it will be an indispensable part of the new pictures section when I finish it.
Therefore, if your browser is not JavaScript-enabled, I encourage you to download
a newer version of
Internet Explorer or
Netscape Navigator .
Come on, it's fun!)
The biography page is now categorized instead of alphabetical.
(Thanks to FreakyMartian for improving on my original idea. *g*)
I made it easier to navigate the longer pages (such as the links page and the biography page ) by adding internal links.
What do you think?
Now that I've talked to you about the new design, you have a chance to talk to me about it.
If you have any comments or suggestions (or if you encounter any technical difficulties or broken links), you can either email me at MarlaSite@yahoo.com
or use the nifty form below. Please be honest. I appreciate all feedback, positive or negative.
Comments, suggestions, technical problems, feedback, etc.:
Your name (optional)
Your email address (optional)
Thank you for your input!