If you have Internet Explorer, it must be version 4.0 or higher to navigate the pictures section.
If you have Netscape Navigator, it must be version 6.0 or higher.
If you don't know what version your browser is, you can find out by clicking on "Help" in the menu bar above and then choosing "About..."
If you don't have the right browser version, you have two options:
1) Download a newer version at one of the following sites: Internet Explorer (recommended) or Netscape Navigator.
2) Nip the JavaScript problem in the bud by surfing the JavaScript-free pictures section. You can access it by clicking here or by clicking the "JavaScript-free" link at the bottom of the main pictures page.
If you're accessing the site from a work computer, it's possible that your company network administrator has disabled JavaScript for security reasons. In this case, rather than tinker with company policy, try the JavaScript-free pictures section.
If you're using a home computer, you can enable JavaScript by clicking on "Tools" in the menu bar above and selecting "Options..." or "Internet Options..." Scroll through the list of options until you find the one relating to JavaScript and then take the necessary steps to turn it on.
If you're still having trouble with the section, you can contact me at MarlaSite@yahoo.com. I'm not a computer whiz, but I'll do my best to help you.